Tel :
05 55 05 69 83
Courriel :
2 Av. Martin Luther King, Limoges




In order to be registered as someone willing to take part in biomedical research at the CIC of Limoges, you need to fill in a questionnaire, which data will then be stored in our computer file of healthy volunteers. This file has been approved by the French data protection authority (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés - CNIL). These data are strictly confidential; they will only be accessed by the CIC staff subject to professional secrecy.

According to the law, you have the right to access and correct your personal data and you can exercise your right at any time by contacting the Executive Physician of the CIC. 

Having read this information, you can now fill in the registration form, either by downloading it or by filling it in online. For security reasons, online entry is not stored in a database: a PDF form is created and transferred to our team. 

Download the form

Please print it out, fill it in and send it back to us by post or email

 to the address on the right.

Fill it online

For security reasons, online entry is not stored in a database: a PDF form is created and transferred to our team.

Centre d'Investigation Clinique
CHU de Limoges
2 av Martin Luther King
87042 Limoges Cedex FRANCE

or send it at:

When we will receive the completed form, we will contact you and offer you to participate in studies depending on the requirements. You are free to accept or refuse our offer.

For further information, please contact us:

Secretariat: 0033 (0)5 55 05 69 83
email :