Tel :
05 55 05 69 83
Courriel :
2 Av. Martin Luther King, Limoges


La démarche formation

DIU Training of Clinical Research Associates

Since 2011, upon request from the University of Bordeaux, the CIC has been providing the seminar "Role of CRAs and study coordinators in clinical trials" for the DIU Training for Clinical Research Associates.

Paramedical and resident training

In order to allow the medical and paramedical staff of the University Hospital and the hospitals of the former Limousin region to discover clinical research, the CIC has set up a three-day theoretical and practical training course, offered annually since 2006. The local Nursing schools also ask the CIC every year to deliver the "clinical research" program to student nurses.

DIU Investigator in Clinical Research

Together with the Universities of Tours and Rouen, the CIC of Limoges is in charge of the Inter-University Diploma (DIU) for Investigator in Clinical Research, which has taken place every year since 2009. The CIC is involved in the "Regulatory aspects /Implementation into Practice" section of the DIU.

Reception of interns

Throughout the year, the CIC welcomes interns from scientific studies (masters degrees, medical and pharmaceutical students) to broaden their knowledge in clinical research.

Sepsis training

Since 2005, the CIC has been organizing interregional continuing medical education meetings on Sepsis, with the participation of international experts.